Saturday, December 28, 2024

Pic(k) of the Week: Dessicated autumn

Dessicated autumn

Morning sunlight dapples that which remains.

In the woodland at Hawthorne Nature Trail: DeKalb County, Georgia, USA. 17 November 2024.

Posted 28 December 2024. Until next year: thank you for stopping by the blog.



Saturday, December 21, 2024

Pic(k) of the Week: Zat you, Santa Claus?

Zat you, Santa Claus?
It was an early Christmas gift from Santa Claus.

With eleven hand-pulls (!) of a beer engine, publican Adrian poured a delicious pint of cask-conditioned Celebration Ale (brewed by Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, in Chico, California).

The Brick Store Pub (in Decatur, Georgia) was one of only a few pubs nationwide given a cask of this classic American winter-season ale. 3 December 2024.


About Celebration Ale

Hop harvest happens once a year, sending brewers to the Pacific Northwest to choose the hops they’ll use for months to come. We certainly do that—'hop selection' for all our beers—but Celebration Fresh Hop IPA gets its own 800-mile road trip through Washington and Oregon to hand-pick the ultimate fresh hops for citrus, pine, and floral flavors at their most intense.Once the hops come down, we race the harvest home [to Chico, California] to brew Celebration IPA within a few weeks. That’s the core of fresh hop beers: brew right away for maximum hop aroma and flavor. For more than four decades, it has been the holiday beer to start the celebration.

  • Alcohol by volume: 6.8%
  • Bitterness Units: 65
  • Malts: Caramelized, Two-row Pale
  • Hops: Cascade, Centennial, Chinook
  • Yeast: American Ale



Saturday, December 14, 2024

Pic(k) of the Week: Frog Bog autumn afternoon

Frog Bog autumn afternoon

The light, the light, the glorious light. Late afternoon on Frog Bog, a marshy channel of Cecilia Creek.

Legacy Park: City of Decatur, Georgia, USA. 3 December 2024.



Saturday, December 07, 2024

Pic(k) of the Week: Light going down

Light going down

Late in afternoon, late in autumn,
Light going down
In golden hour before the dark comes.
One final glorious grasp.

Postal Pond in Decatur Legacy Park: City of Decatur, Georgia, USA. 26 November 2024 (5:46 pm ET).

